PKG Moja Cruise Beach Soccer

The Moja Cruise taxi operators were playing a beach soccer tournament at South Beach which began on the 20th of April 2024  and ended on the 21st of April 2024. The aim for this tournament was to create awareness of road safety and the importance of good driver behaviour while promoting a healthy lifestyle.  Philasande Made the coordinator from Durban Central explained the purpose  of the event that it was to appreciate and acknowledge the work done by taxi drivers everyday “I am the coordinator of Durban Central I also play for Ningizimu 2 Hlokomela, I am under Hlokomela. Basically todays event was to recognise drivers and showing appreciation for what they do on the road and it is also them who drive our cars as owners everyday. So we appreciate everything they do their work is recognised and treating passengers in a good manner we are thankful about everything that is why we will have a driver of the year award, showing that we do acknowledge and recognise all they do” said Philasande Made. The champion of Moja Cruise enlightened more about the moja cruise event that was held at Durban South Beach “here at home today we have games which started yesterday awards from Moja Cruise by loving what we do. we  should come together as the taxi industry  and play more games like these and also fight with the violence in this industry  and award Moja Cruise drivers because in the transportation industry we have Moja Cruise, uber, meter taxis, SAPS, ATA, Metro police we built this to celebrate Moja Cruise” said Sphiwe Mbhele.  I am taxi driver from uMlazi stated that this would help him gain more kids to transport to school ” This event will help me soo much interms of getting noticed by people in order to get chidren to transport from and to school” said Nhlakanipho Zulu. The captain of eThekwini police force commented that as the police force they were also invited to play with taxi drivers ” I am a captain for police eThekwini municipality we as the police force were asked to be a part of this event since we work with drivers each and everyday on the road to participaate in this big event” said Bheki Mnqele. The taxi driver from Lamontville commented that this event would help streghten the relationship between taxi driversfrom different regions ” we are here to buld a relationship as drivers. This will help us interms of getting to know each other and not disturb each other on the roads because we are from different regions because we will now know each other and there will be mutual respect” said Felenkosi Mngadi.  There were different games in this namely Tug of war which was divided into 3 sections(Tug of war 1,2&3), Relay, Soccer. Thcre were 8 groups of teams each group making a combining a number of 32 teams. The winners of Tug of war 1 were South 2, winners of Tug of war 2 were Durban central and winners of Tug of war 3 were Durban west. The winners of Relay were Metro police. The soccer runners up were Durban west and the winners of Soccer were Durban Metro Police.  The 32 participants were Municipality Durban west main Ningizimu 1 scholar Ningizimu 2 drivers B Ningizimu 2 drivers A Ningizimu 1 drivers A Ningizimu 2 scholar Greater north drivers B Ningizimu 2 main Durban west driver B Durban central driver A Greater north driver A Greater north scholar Durban central main Ningizimu 2 OPS Durban west OPS Ningizimu 2 Hlokomela Durban central OPS Durban west Hlokomela Greater north main Durban central Hlokomela Durban west drivers A Metro Nningizimu 1 Hlokomela Ningizimu 1 main Ningizimu 2 drivers B Durban central scholar Greater north OPS Greater north Hlokomela Durban Central Driver B Ningizimu 1 OPS Durban west schoolar.     

Linda Mpisane a taxi driver who was Assaulted

Gender based violence is one of the highet crimes in the world and the with the law taking women’s and children side mostly, we are applaunding this man for his actions of not hitting the woman back when the incident took place at Umhlanga during the 16 days of activisim for NO violence agaist women and children. The case has been opened and we wil follwow on it untill justise is serverd for Linda. As Voice On The Move Radio we had to go find Linda Mpisane to tell the full story and how he felf after. #Welcome To The Future @voiceonthemoveradio ♬ Gentle and Brave Western Instrumental Loop 2(1387537) – Leano